Eternium should i keep dungeon key
Eternium should i keep dungeon key

eternium should i keep dungeon key

“You know what really hurts me about you stabbing me like this?” As the sword cleaved through his skull, the man simply reformed the damaged areas and calmly turned around. Kere lifted his sword, attempting to take the blade up the body and through Xenocide’s skull… and Xenocide didn't bother resisting. “Oh, I have missed this father-son bonding time! Want to go play catch? There’s a giant ball coming at us right now!” Xenocide smiled, looked down at the sword, and leaned back. Kere, The Slayer of Shades, stood behind his father. Xenocide was standing still, his hand cut off and a sword through his chest. I bounced off the floor and rolled back and forth until I came to a stop just in time to see a strange scene playing out. The chanting was reaching a crescendo, and Xenocide started to shift the muscles in his hand. The spell would last for… a chaos determined amount of time. The effect… was… the target couldn't affect anything around them, move, but was still aware. She had used that to hold a monster in place. I was wrapped in chains of chaos? Where had I seen that before…? Rose. I didn't feel anything, but I was at least faintly concerned. He lifted me up, positioning the much larger Core on his chest, and began to chant. “Got the Core, got the sacrifices, reached the pinnacle of SSS, wrapped the power source in chains of chaos… I guess we just start!”

eternium should i keep dungeon key

There was no sign that the man had heard me, and he continued doing… whatever it was until he glanced at a small paper he had with him. I could only feel what was coming to me-I could no longer grasp it. There was no more influence for me to see out of there was no more reach to my grasp. As soon as the chain landed on me, I was trapped in one small spot.

eternium should i keep dungeon key

Xenocide let a spark of something appear on his finger, and the energy turned into a golden chain that wrapped around me. “Hey! Hey, now! I almost did it! Ha! You… oh, you’re a sneaky one! Now, see, what I need is a power source that can fuel my transition into this Core, and as it turns out… you are a treasure trove of Madness! Thank you in advance, now hold still…” “Oh, well, of course.” Xenocide nodded and started to put me down, only to yank me back at the last second. It wasn’t actually blood but some kind of Soul Energy that flowed from his body instead of the liquid of life. Now that I was thinking about it, I could see that the man in front of me was bleeding.

Eternium should i keep dungeon key